Data Driven Insights

Produce Meaningful and Actionable Insights

Our Data & Analytics practitioners are uniquely skilled at starting with the business challenge and creating visualizations that fit with decision-makers’ information needs and workflow. Our success comes from carefully listening and rapidly prototyping reports to accelerate speed-to-insight.

Our Offerings:

Data Engineering Information
Analysis and
Data Sciences

Data Strategy

  • Analytics Advisory
  • Assessments
  • Data Strategy and Roadmaps

Data Architecture

  • Data Warehouse Architecture
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Data Flow Engineering

Data Engineering

  • Database Design
  • Data Procurement, Staging and Extract Transform Load
  • Data Integration

Data Strategy and Architecture

  • Use Case and Data Initiative Prioritization
  • Information Management Assessment
  • Data Strategy and Roadmap
  • Data Architecture


Data Governance

  • Data Governance Strategy and Planning
  • Governance Organization Design
  • Data Stewardship Change Management and Adoption
  • Metadata Management Strategy, Process, Tools and Implementation
  • Data Profiling and Quality Management
  • Data Governance Metrics and Impact Measurement


Master Data Management

  • Master Data Management Strategy and Planning
  • Data Warehouse Design and Build
  • Golden Record Development
  • Single View of the Customer Development


Security and Compliance

  • Data Security Planning and Development
  • Regulation Compliance Planning and Implementation (e.g. GDPR and CCPA)
  • Third Party Data Sharing Management

Data Analysis

  • Data Preparation
  • Data Modeling and Integration
  • Database Design
  • Reporting Requirements Analysis
  • Data Analysis and Insights


Data Visualization

  • Functional Decision-making Analysis
  • Reporting and Insights
  • Dashboards and Visualization
  • Data Storytelling
  • Report Automation

Customer Analytics

  • Segmentation and Targeting
  • 360 Degree View of the Customer Insights
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Campaign Analytics
  • Lead and Funnel Management Analytics
  • Retention and Churn Analytics
  • Cross/Up-sell Analytics and Recommendation Engines
  • Customer Journey Analysis
  • Web and Clickstream Analytics
  • Personalization


Operations Analytics 

  • Demand Forecasting/Inventory Management Analytics
  • Marketing Mix Optimization
  • Marketing and Advertising Attribution
  • Predictive Asset Maintenance
  • Human Capital Analytics
  • Finance Analytics
  • Fraud Analytics
  • Customer Support Analytics


View our Analytics Offering
brochure for an easy to read guide on
all of the services we offer.